‘Bring people with you’ feature

‘Bring people with you’ feature

This guide explains how to use the “Bring people with you” feature, which allows customers to bring others to appointments without scheduling separate appointments. By enabling the group appointment setting and specifying the maximum number of people per timeslot, businesses can streamline the scheduling process for customers and themselves. This feature provides a convenient and efficient way for customers to attend appointments with others.

1. If customers prefer not to attend appointments alone and wish to bring others with them, they do not have to schedule separate appointments for each additional person. Instead, customers have the option to indicate how many people they will bring along using the "Bring people with you" feature. This allows for a more convenient and streamlined booking process, both for customers and the service provider.

Turning Visions into Reality - Creating, Promoting Businesses for Entrepreneurial Success

2. To enable customers to bring additional people, the service capacity must be set to ‘Group’.

When configuring a service as a group appointment, you have the option to specify the maximum number of people allowed per timeslot.

This configuration ensures that customers can attend appointments in groups without the hassle of multiple bookings, streamlining the scheduling process for both the business and the customers.

Turning Visions into Reality - Creating, Promoting Businesses for Entrepreneurial Success