Recurring Appointments

Recurring Appointments

This guide outlines the benefits of using the Recurring Appointments feature. It allows customers to easily book multiple days for their appointments, saving time and effort. The feature offers flexibility in scheduling, integrates with Google Calendar, and supports various types of recurring appointments. Whether you offer weekly classes or need to schedule appointments on specific days of the month, this guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and manage recurring appointments.

1. The Recurring Appointments feature enables customers to choose multiple days for their appointments, simplifying the process of booking recurring services.

  • Single or Multiple Day Appointments: Depending on the services offered, customers have the option to book for a single instance or multiple days.

  • Example Use Case: For instance, as a yoga teacher offering weekly classes, customers can book for several upcoming weeks in one go, rather than scheduling each week individually. This feature is applicable to all types of services, not just yoga.

  • Flexibility in Scheduling: You can set various time intervals, duration of appointments, and the number of repetitions, eliminating the need to schedule each appointment individually.

  • Google Calendar Integration: Recurring appointments are automatically saved in your Google Calendar. The system also automatically resolves any scheduling conflicts with other appointments.

2. ### Daily recurring appointments

When we set a recurring appointment as a daily type, we determine how many days the appointments will be repeated between the start time and the end time.

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3. ### Weekly recurring appointments

When we set a recurring appointment as a weekly type, we determine on which day of the week the appointments will be repeated between the start time and the end time.

Turning Visions into Reality - Creating, Promoting Businesses for Entrepreneurial Success

4. ### Monthly recurring appointments

When we set recurring appointments as monthly, we choose the days of the month we want between the start and end times of the appointments. Appointments will only be created for the days we choose.

Turning Visions into Reality - Creating, Promoting Businesses for Entrepreneurial Success