Understanding General Settings

Understanding General Settings

This guide provides an overview of the general settings that can be customized in Selebrands Booking. It covers various settings such as time slot length, minimum time requirement prior to booking, limited booking days, week start day, date and time format, default appointment status, and more. Understanding and adjusting these settings can help optimize Selebrands Booking based on specific needs and preferences.

1. 1. Time Slot Length:

  • Purpose: Set the default length for each appointment time slot.
  • Example: If set to 30 minutes, customers will see appointment times in 30-minute intervals (e.g., 10:30 am, 11:00 am).
  • Default Value: 5 minutes.
  • Customization: Override this default when adding a service or selecting an individual timeslot.

2. Slot Length as Service Duration:

  • Functionality: If activated, the slot length will match the service duration.
  • Effect: Times are shown in intervals equal to the service duration.
  • Default Value: Disabled.

3. Minimum Time Requirement Prior to Booking:

  • Use: Set a minimum advance time for customers to make bookings.
  • Example: To require bookings at least 1 day in advance, select 1 day.
  • Default Value: Disabled.

4. Limited Booking Days:

  • Capability: Limit how far in advance customers can book.
  • Example: Setting 90 days limits bookings to within 90 days.
  • Default Value: 365 days.

5. Week Starts On:

  • Customization: Choose which day the week starts on in the calendar, based on regional preferences.

6. Date Format:

  • Adjustment: Set the date format to match regional conventions.

7. Time Format:

  • Options: Choose between 24-hour and 12-hour formats.

8. Default Appointment Status:

  • Purpose: Determine the initial status of new bookings (e.g., Approved, Pending).
  • Default Value: Approved.

9. Show Timeslots in Client Time-Zone:

  • Benefit: Allow customers to see working hours in their own time zone, facilitating global services.

11. Allow Admins to Book Outside Working Hours:

  • Function: Enable administrators to create appointments manually outside of regular working hours.

12. Only Registered Users Can Book:

  • Restriction: When activated, only logged-in users can access the booking panel, directing others to the login page.

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